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SE version 2: Check!

After spending 10 hours fixing an bug I finally got my SE version 2 to work. However the ray tracing speed seems to be a big disappointment, about 0.070 to 0.150 MR/s on 1 CPU core, which is of course way to slow for rendering. Moving this over to OpenCL might make it 10 to 50 times faster but thats still pretty slow. Another problem is that the data structures are kind of messy and octree ray tracing require recursion which GPGPU’s don’t handle all that well.

All this have led me to consider some other solutions:

1. A two-level grid for storing the voxels. The big advantage is that we can use simple line drawing algorithms for ray tracing, the data structures are super basic and we don’t require any recursion.

2. Triangle rasterisation with Marching Cubes.

Categories: Chatter.