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(a few of these might get refined over the next couple of months)


  • Canvas — A collection of layers coupled with some global settings like pixel precision and viewing parameters.
  • Snapshot — A particular state in time of the canvas.
  • History — A collection of snapshots organized in a tree stored in the .leo file.
  • Channel — ?
  • Image — A rectangle of pixels of finite size, can be stored in a JPG, PNG etc.
  • Layer — A rectangle of pixels of infinite size. Each layer consists of a bundle of channels, usually four: red, green, blue and alpha. Layers can be stacked on top of each other to synthetically build up a final picture from many smaller parts.
  • Mask — A gray scale layer, bundled with a normal layer, which give per-pixel control of the opacity of that normal layer. Used to, non-destructively, hide particular parts of a layer.
  • StencilAn image (usually an reference image from the outside) that lay above all layers that can be used as a painting aid for laying down patterns and textures. The final paint that is applied to the layer is a combination between the stamp, the falloff and the stencil. Stencils can be rotated, scaled, tilted, stretched, tiled etc.
  • Stamp — An image that define what pattern a brush stroke will have.
  • Falloff — A parametric curve that is multiplied with the stamp to create the brush. The falloff is separated from the stamp (unlike Photoshop) to make it easier for users to use any kind of image as a stamp.
  • Effect — Change the brush stroke right before it’s applied to the layer Ex. mirroring, displacement, distortions, smoothing, etc. This can be used, among other things, to create “happy accidents”.
  • Brush — ?
  • Selection — A binary separation of the canvas, all pixels can be classified as either being on the inside or outside of the selection.
  • Filter — ?
  • Scratchpad — A small window where the user can test a particular brush.
  • Reference — A collection of visual aids to help the artist get correct perspective and proportions. For example: lines, grid, dots, 3D-planes, 3D-models etc.


  • Paint – The process of applying new paint on layer.
  • Adjust — The process of changing the color of the paint that is already applied to a layer.
  • Warp — The process of changing the location of the paint that is already applied to a layer.
  • Bake – The processing of making some kind of non-destructive adjustment to a destructive one.
  • Merge – The process of combining two layers in to one.
  • Export — The process of cropping a canvas to an image. Some post-processing might take place during the export process like screen-sharpening and brightness adjustments.
  • Purge — The process of deleting snapshots from the history.