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Definitions & Constrains

Here are some definitions & constrains about Xade and Leonardo:

  1. Xade applications are defined by what they export.
  2. Xade applications internal file formats should be viewed as a project file with revision control.
  3. Xade applications should be able to import every format that could be of interest for producing what the application export.

So, what is Leonardo?

  1. Leonardo only export image files like PNG, JPEG, TIFF, TGA, BMP and OpenEXR.
  2. But, Leonardo can import a whole host of formats including 2D- and 3D-vector graphics files. These formats get imported as special read-only layer that can be used either as reference material or rasterised to an image.

This divides Leonardo in to two parts:

  1. A still image, layer based compositor.
  2. A raster based painting system.

And just to be clear, Leonardo will not do the following:

  1. Export vector-graphics or video.
  2. Manipulate vector-graphics or video.
  3. Have specialized tools for photo editing.
  4. Have node based compositing.
  5. Paint on 3D-objects.

Categories: Chatter.